Wednesday, September 17, 2008

i rain on your parade

look at me go. im meeting new people, doing my homework, tired as a dog, and being a bitch.

i really am a bitch a lot of the time. i dont mean to. but when i get a little agitated, i get bitchy. i dont mean to. it just pops out. im so ungreatful. these are the friends that i love. hopefully they love me back. if they can ignore my craziness.

i just want the best for them. and sometimes i take it out on the opposition. but in doing that, i hurt the one im trying to protect. im not trying to be difficult and segregated, its just....

idk. you all deserve the best.

and sometimes i way overanalize my actions. do people take offense? do people not hear them? i cant tell, and it drives me insane a lot of the time.


i better not be getting sick.

1 comment:

K said...

you should explain this to me later...