This. is Melissa.

she is the bestie. i love her to death and dont see her nearly enough even tho i live like four minutes away from her. i dont think i could function without her.
These. are the Roomates.

(from left to right)
Nicole. is such a sweetheart. i love her for her amazing heart and being such a nice and generous person.
Sami. my roomate from freshman year. i love her soo much. i am pleasantly suprised at how close we have become, and continue to get. i am blessed to have lived with her for two years now, helping her battle through her many illnesses (i mean come on. a staph infection? really?) and her bouts of stubborness. :)
Lauren. I love lauren. she makes me laugh all the time and is such a great person. life would be boring without her.
Chelsea. my cc buddy! i am so glad she was able to come back this year, and that i am getting to know her more and more. she is such a great person and i love her random mood swings. from yelling to violence, i love it all. lol
This. is Gina.

These. are the Old Steadies.

This. is Ryan.

these are my people. they are the reason i get through every day, and the reason i keep on living. thank you all of you. <3
Liz, you are too cute! I love you so, so much. I don't know what I'd do without you.
pick a better picture of me bitch
love you!
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